Don't even wax poetic about wanting to post identifying information. Do not ask for personal information, suggest someone should be doxxed, link to or comment with personal information, openly solicit personal information, or contact the people featured here. This is to prevent brigading and harassment, so we take this rule very seriously. If you intentionally post personal information, you will be banned. This includes, but is not limited to: first and last names, usernames (including your own, including the symbol which identifies a commenter as you, including any other people featured in the image, including public accounts), subreddit and online community names, titles of specific posts, and other information like addresses, phone numbers, profile pictures, and license plates. Take a screenshot and completely redact all information that can be used to identify a person.The worst of the worst, people who you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.
A place to post social media screenshots or gifs of people acting like a piece of shit.